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UBC MEL MHLP Professional Leadership Master Degrees

Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z3

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Plus à propos UBC MEL MHLP Professional Leadership Master Degrees

We offer two uniquely innovative master’s degree programs: the UBC Master of Engineering Leadership (MEL) for engineers and other technical professionals and the UBC Master of Health Leadership and Policy (MHLP) for health-care professionals.

The UBC MEL and MHLP professional master degrees are for practicing professionals who want to gain a competitive advantage.

With its unique combination of graduate-level UBC Faculty of Applied Science courses and UBC Sauder’s Robert H. Lee Graduate School courses, this hybrid professional master’s degrees will give you the skills and confidence to take your career in new directions.

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UBC MEL MHLP Professional Leadership Master Degrees
Gerald McGavin Bldg, 211-2386 E Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z3
Entrez Le Code Postal
V6T 1Z3

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