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Red Maple Coaching & Consulting

Services professionnels
Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 1L7

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Plus à propos Red Maple Coaching & Consulting

Developing the Person behind the Professional.

Red Maple Coaching & Consulting aims to help people become better in some way, shape or form. We strive to assist our clients with healing, growth and learning. We work with leaders, organizations, clinicians and business professionals, and believe in community, dignity, discernment and movement.

For individual psychotherapy and/or coaching sessions, group coaching workshops, corporate coaching events, keynotes, organizational consulting, continuing education and professional development courses, or coach training certification programs, please contact Red Maple Coaching & Consulting today.

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Informations de contact

Nom entreprise ou votre Prénom
Red Maple Coaching & Consulting
41 Erb St E
Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 1L7
Entrez Le Code Postal
N2J 1L7