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Luv Hair Salon

Victoria, British Columbia, V8V 3K9

ENTRER EN CONTACT AVEC Luv Hair Salon qui est actuellement disponible pour chatter: Contactez Moi Maintenant!

Plus à propos Luv Hair Salon

Luv Hair Salon is boutique hair salon on Fort and Cook within walking distance of the Victoria downtown core. We are an environment of passionate and positive stylists who believe in self luv, self care and spreading positivity! Luv Hair Salon is a leading BLONDE salon in Victoria with a focus in hair extensions.

Our clients have always been our biggest inspirations and our driving force to always be the best in the industry. We know that a hair appointment isn’t going to change the world, but the powerful and amazing women who walk through our salon doors every day - will.

Écrivez sur vous et votre entreprise

Détails de l'entreprise

Informations de contact

Nom entreprise ou votre Prénom
Luv Hair Salon
1121 Fort St
Victoria, British Columbia, V8V 3K9
Entrez Le Code Postal
V8V 3K9