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Emera Innovation Exchange

St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, A1A 1B3

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Plus à propos Emera Innovation Exchange

The Emera Innovation Exchange (EIX) is located at Memorial University’s Signal Hill Campus. The EIX is a dynamic hub for collaborating, learning and connecting. It is a place for fostering social and economic innovation, professional and organizational development, civic engagement, and public dialogue. It is a place for increased connectivity between students, researchers and communities and a place where the issues facing our community, province, country and globe are approached in innovative and thoughtful ways.

The EIX includes: Emera Innovation Exchange Conference Centre, Business & Arts NL, Gardiner Centre, Genesis, Harris Centre, MUN Pensioners' Association, Newfoundland Quarterly and the Office of Public Engagement.

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Informations de contact

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Emera Innovation Exchange
100 Signal Hill Rd
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, A1A 1B3
Entrez Le Code Postal
A1A 1B3

Emera Innovation Exchange Spécialités