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Copper Beech Business Coaching and Succession Planning

Services professionnels
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 3R1

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Plus à propos Copper Beech Business Coaching and Succession Planning

Business Coaching, Business Succession and Financial Planning

Peter Brown is the driving force behind the company and its ideology. Peter’s forty years of experience in finance and business operations has led to Copper Beech Company.

We believe that planning for the future helps create the future you want. We help clients identify goals and we care about the results our clients achieve. Whether the goals are improving financial position, growing the business, transitioning management and ownership. Helping Clarify goals, plan the route and holding the client accountable for achieving the milestones along the way is how we bring value to the engagement.

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Informations de contact

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Copper Beech Business Coaching and Succession Planning
4691 Ontario Ave
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 3R1
Entrez Le Code Postal
L2E 3R1