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CityUniversity Canada Edmonton

Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 4X6

ENTRER EN CONTACT AVEC CityUniversity Canada Edmonton qui est actuellement disponible pour chatter: Contactez Moi Maintenant!

Plus à propos CityUniversity Canada Edmonton

City University in Canada’s Edmonton campus includes two state-of-the-art classrooms with comfortable and flexible furniture options to allow for group and traditional classroom work. The bright colours and natural light provide an engaging learning environment. The site includes break-out work spaces for students, small group practice rooms and a computer workstation for in-house printing. For the convenience of students, there is a kitchen with microwaves, a refrigerator, a toaster oven, and vending machines for snacks.

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Informations de contact

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CityUniversity Canada Edmonton
10121 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 4X6
Entrez Le Code Postal
T5J 4X6

CityUniversity Canada Edmonton Spécialités