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Canadian atheists

Richmond, British Columbia, V6Y 2E0

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Plus à propos Canadian atheists

Canadian atheists advocates for the freedoms, rights, and equality of atheists in Canada and internationally, and we promote atheism as it is a normal aspect of life in Canada (culturally) and throughout the world.

Our primary interests are for peaceful advocacy and the normalization of atheism. We are always willing to participate in public discourse as a means of engaging in a free exchange of ideas. As an integral part of our efforts to present atheism in the best possible ways, we're also educating the general public on the meaning of the words "atheism" and "atheist."

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Informations de contact

Nom entreprise ou votre Prénom
Canadian atheists
8000 No. 3 Rd
Richmond, British Columbia, V6Y 2E0
Entrez Le Code Postal
V6Y 2E0